4 de outubro de 2017

The “Gay Cure” discussion

                                                                                                                           Sebastiao Imbiriba
Any way of love is worthAny way of love is worth loving.

I agree with these verses by Milton Nascimento, but I place limits on this issue. Modern society, that is, the most enlightened part of humanity, naturally accepts or tolerates every expression of love and sexual preference, with some exceptions such as pedophilia, rape, or incest. LBGTism is thus accepted or tolerated, not as a disease, but as inevitable.

There is a much-discussed topic in Brazilian media and social networks that originates, on the one side, in normative instruction from the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP) prohibiting its members from exercising what is popularly called "gay cure" and, on the other, a judge decision prohibiting the Council from punishing the professional who practices it.

Gay healing is not my field of interest and I have nothing to say as to whether the state or condition of being gay is pathological or not. However, the issue reaches other important areas such as human being rights and dignity. In these matters I dare express the following reflections.

Let us analyze the confidence in the accuracy of the various branches of knowledge. The exact sciences, such as Physics, expressed in theories (sets of observations, axioms, and postulates designed to demonstrate, with the indispensable help of mathematics, how hypotheses are realized), are the ones that offer the greatest degree of truth proximity. Even so, its hypotheses are subject to refinements and corrections.

Science is continuous evolution of knowledge. "The Great Synthesis," by Ptolemy, evolved into "The Movements of Celestial Bodies," by Copernicus. Prior to Louis Pasteur and Albert Sabin most pathological states were fatal and polio unavoidable.

Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Psychiatry are far from being exact sciences, they are not described in mathematical terms, and even more than other branches of medical sciences are pregnant with uncertainties. Their hypotheses are not dogmas of faith and have been contested throughout history. Just remember the disputes between Freud and Jung.

Science evolves more and more rapidly and often what was previously consensual postulate is now outdated conjecture. If what was yesterday homosexualism and today is homosexuality, there is always the scientific possibility of change or reversion, at least in semantics. In addition, there are people who once were homo and now claim to be heterosexual.

A person seeking professional support for his suffering, whatever his condition or state, must always have his dignity respected, and I am sure that this human being deserves respect and consideration by a freely requested aid provider.

Likewise, the aid provider must comply with ethical professional commitment by supporting, in the extension of his capacity, whom freely seeks specialized assistance.

It does not matter if homosexualism is a disease. The condition of having penises or breasts certainly is not pathological, however adults who wish to remove such parts deserve receiving professional help.

In any case, homosexualism (or ... lity) is outside the norm dictated by the basic vital functions: protection, nutrition and reproduction. That is the essence of life. And life can only be perpetuated by sexual act between male and female (or hermaphrodite, which is a rule exception and mates with itself).

Therefore, normality is heterosexual intercourse. There may even be same-sex marriage, which by now is routine, but there will only be matrimony, whose etymological root is mater, when it is performed between man and woman for the perpetuation of the species or, at least, with that possibility.

In conclusion: a) those who freely seek professional help shell be helped; b) the adequately trained and qualified professional should assist those whom, by agreement, seek him for help; c) the freedom of scientific research in all fields must be respected; d) there is no scientific certainty that homosexualism is pathological or can be reversed.

Common sense and respect for individual rights should be the norm. After all, everyone is born with the right to seek his or her own happiness.

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