23 de agosto de 2019

The Amazonian fires of 2019

There is a burn and there is a fire. Every year there is burning of pasture to burn the straw and to facilitate access to grass, burning of sugarcane to facilitate the cutting of sugarcane and burning of small farming land to plant manioc. This is controlled burn no fire.
Fire can be criminal, but it is small compared to fire caused by climatic factors.
Resultado de imagem para imagem floresta amazônica

This year's annual Amazon drought is one of the largest ever and the 2019 fires are the third largest after 2010 and the 2004 largest, which did not arouse as much stir as these.
The Bolsonaro government, especially the Environment Ministry, including by budget contingency, really did not anticipate prevention measures of fires that occur every year. Money scarcity.
Most of Brazilian and European media, academy and youth is leftist and opposed to Presidents Trump and Bolsonaro and take any pretext for protests by movements funded by US farmers vying for markets against Brazilian agribusiness, and by Europeans farmers who suffer competition from those two. President Macron campaigns against President Bolsonaro to defend French farmers. It's all staging in fierce trade war.
It is necessary that the Brazilian government take steps in conjunction with the other Amazonian countries, which also suffer from the fires, to:
1. Prevent and fight fires and control burns;
2. Prevent deforestation in protected forests;
3. Promote reforestation in springs and riverbanks;
4. Consolidate the Amazonian occupation by the Brazilian people;
5. Incorporate the indigenous peoples of the Amazon into the Brazilian nation;
6. Promote public relations campaign for worldwide clarification of Amazonian issues related to national sovereignty and sustainable use of its natural resources.

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